Giving Love
Hmmmmm. Can I give love? This last week at Way of a (Spiritual) Warrior, aka WOW, I saw instance after instance of genuine connection, mutual support, sincere exchanges of “for-ness” (vs. against-ness) that had no agenda, other than the pure offering and gracious acceptance of kindness, appreciation, affection, and the gentle and blatant reminders to... Learn More
In a recent training, one of the recurring themes was the concept of "overs" – the chance to start over. It looks like this. I'm excited about some topic that I can't wait to tell you about (or I'm scared to tell you). As soon as I see you, it all comes gushing out. However... Learn More
Heaven Is For Real
It’s a movie – based on a true story, told also in a book entitled the same. OK, I cried during the movie, not just once. So did my friend, Diana Makens. It’s the touching story of a 4 year old who has a near death experience, visits heaven during his surgery, and unfolds his... Learn More
The Power of Purpose in our Lives
Tonight in our Power of Purpose Course, we talked about the fear of failure – of looking stupid, incompetent, less than others. The more fear we have, the less likely we are to obtain those important goals, the ones of which we dream. Instead we settle for our ego's demand to look as if we... Learn More
Not long ago, my grandson was seriously ill for a couple of weeks. The doctors ran tests; all of which came up negative. But he was still vomiting and had diarrhea, unable to retain what he ate – getting thinner and thinner. It was a scary time. I asked family, friends, and FaceBook for healing... Learn More
When I was in graduate school, learning to diagnose different mental diseases as delineated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM), I harbored the secret concern that I, in fact, had almost everything that book described. One day, in the university cafeteria, a group of us were chatting about some assignment,... Learn More