BEing True to myself
My chats with Shelagh Brown (UK artist extraordinaire and MTL coach) continue to be inspiring to me personally. Today we chatted about BEing vs DOing and the importance of BEing True – to ourselves, to our relationships and to the circumstances in which we find ourSelves. In her case, true to her art. In my... Learn More
Being and Doing
Last night I arrived barely on time for a function. At the same time, the three other people I was supposed to meet also arrived – barely on time. We were immediately in "task mode" – making decisions, setting up the mastery class, checking to see if we brought all the things we said we... Learn More
Sacred Passages Galore
While Sarah Bush and I prepare for this coming weekend and our Sacred Passages Re-Treat (to be "treated again"), it has come to my mind that I am smack in the middle of Sacred Passages – all kinds of Sacred Passages in my life. As are we all, one after another. The selling of my... Learn More
Sacred Passages
Sarah Bush and I, living 2.5 hours from each other, first met in LAX airport, waiting on a flight to New Zealand. It was one of those instantaneous connections. Within that 30 minutes before we boarded, we determined we would find a way to sit next to each other on the 13 hour flight –... Learn More
Thermodynamics – the Second Law
John McAllister, smart dude with an altruistic heart, was kibitzing with me about the last post, challenging my lateral thinking (aka horizontal imagination vs vertical logic). OK, it's true. And here we go. The Second Law of Thermodynamcis states that "in all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves the system, the potential energy... Learn More
Thermodynamics – the First Law
First Law of Thermodynamics is "energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed." I wrote that sentence just the other day. In my global brain, I get it. However, in my limbic brain, it makes non-sense. My instinct wants everything clear – black and white, predictable –... Learn More