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"/> Fully IN - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Fully IN

I learned many things from this last Way of a (Spiritual) Warrior group, aka WOW. Somewhere along Day 3, there was a refrain that started being integrated into all activities by most of the participants.

It started as a concept – being fully present, Fully IN each moment, regardless of what is happening in that moment – soaking in a stunning sunset or engaging openly with someone who's angry. Fundamentally it is an unreserved YES, maximizing the experience that’s on offer – just as I am, not holding back nor having to prove anything to anyone.

Ruminating on the concept, I was congratulating myself on being Fully IN … in most of my life. I am Fully IN when I’m training, coaching, consulting, facilitating others. Then I started noticing a pocket or two in my life where I am not Fully IN.

ImagesMy body craves activity that strengthens my muscles, increases my flexibility and balance. The variety of exercises in CrossFit suits me down to the bone. However, when I developed a temporary case of vertigo, sprained my ankle, etc., I didn’t stay Fully IN with exercise. Since MY exercise plan was truncated, I did nothing. I did not search for an alternate program that would sustain me until I could get back to CrossFit.

My new intention is to be Fully IN with my whole life. I'm looking for those pockets which I tend to avoid. And when my Plan A is somehow thwarted, I will be Fully IN, course-correcting to address my latest life-test in the most full way possible.