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"/> What Do You Want to Be About? - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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What Do You Want to Be About?

Again from the last Way of a (Spiritual) Warrior, aka WOW, here is a poem written by Eric Bair, one of the participants, and posted on the closed WOW 2014 FaceBook page. I have his permission to re-post his poem on this blog. Thank you, Eric, for capturing the essence of a Spiritual Warrior's path.


What do you want it to be about?
What do you want this moment to be about?
Do you want to worry about how you look?
Do you want to worry if you're good enough?
Do you want to worry about what someone else will do or think?  Images-1
Do you want to contemplate your navel?
Or do you want to open up
Feel the air pouring into your chest
The almost unbearably pleasureable sensation 
Of being alive
The center beneath the tears and fears
The cool dark pond out of which everything emerges
Do you want to lovingly place yourself there?
As a rose on the casket of hate
Fallen in grace, engulfed into the source.

Eric Bair
July 14, 2014