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"/> Giving Love - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Giving Love

Hmmmmm. Can I give love?

This last week at Way of a (Spiritual) Warrior, aka WOW, I saw instance after instance of genuine connection, mutual support, sincere exchanges of “for-ness” (vs. against-ness) that had no agenda, other than the pure offering and gracious acceptance of kindness, appreciation, affection, and the gentle and blatant reminders to be our spiritual best.

I rarely saw anyone “giving love.” For this specific post, my interpretation of “giving love” means it’s a Images tad one-sided, having an edge of intentionality. What I witnessed from Day One through Day Six was an effortless offering of love – a “present-to-the-moment, I’m-OK-with-whatever-unfolds” quality of for-ness. There was no sense of wanting ‘you’ to get what ‘I’ was trying to give you.

So this last Warrior Group taught me yet another nuance of what it means to love unconditionally. I can’t give love where it’s not wanted or valued – or it’s simply not timely. I can offer for-ness from the stillness in my heart. I can’t make them want to receive it or even value what I’m offering. Sometimes they might, sometimes they might not. Either way, I want to offer for-ness and to allow for-ness, because that is how my heart is made. It requires me to have faith in their journey, as well as in mine.

Offering and allowing – as simple as breathing in and exhaling out – essential for the spiritual evolution of humankind.