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"/> Heaven Is For Real - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Heaven Is For Real

ImgresIt’s a movie – based on a true story, told also in a book entitled the same.  OK, I cried during the movie, not just once. So did my friend, Diana Makens. It’s the touching story of a 4 year old who has a near death experience, visits heaven during his surgery, and unfolds his experience in bits and pieces to this family. It is very compelling, heart-warming and intuitively resonating

Then later that evening, I was sitting alone by the edge of the pool on a side of a mountain, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, gazing up at the interlocked fronds of two giant Royal Palm trees. A little peace of heaven … heaven on earth – and it’s real.

Then other moments of heaven tumbled to my mind – soaking in an impossibly beautiful sunset on the Pecos River; smelling my newborn grandchild’s head, hearing Kathleen Battle singing Mythodea, the taste of crème brulee, a spontaneous hug from my grandson, and on it goes. Little moments of heaven – on offer every moment, if only we would notice.