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"/> Watch out for the frog! - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Watch out for the frog!

Srclare_1 If a frog is put into very hot water, it will jump out immediately. If a frog is put in normal temperature water, you can turn the heat up degree by degree, and the frog will accommodate to the heat until it is too late. (At least, that's the story – and it serves my point. Whether it is apocryphal or not, I don't know, never having experimented with a frog.)

I have a frog in me that accommodates bit by bit to situations that are ultimately injurious to my self esteem, my finances, my spiritual development, my health, my relationships, etc.  It usually starts out as a small favor to a friend in need, or a special financial package to a preferred client – then slowly escalates, practically without my noticing. 

Eventually I start feeling obligated to continue along the same trajectory – in business, it's called "scope creep." The upside is my natural inclination to be of service, the downside is being taken advantage of, essentially disrespected by those I serve. My growth edge is to remain respectful of my desire to serve, WHILE discerning when a line is crossed, and I start neglecting/disrespecting my own value. At that point, it is only a matter of time before others de-value me as well.

If I miss the point where I neglect mySELF, and then I also miss the point where others take advantage, it is only a matter of time before I feel resentment and take advantage of them in some way – blaming them for my resentment is my fave. That's my pivotal point of recognition that I've done it again, and that's when I course correct. My intention is to course correct at the first sign, instead of at the 10th sign!

2 Responses

  1. A scope creep with relationships – what a wonderful description! and a fabulous wake up to the resentments that develop without my noticing! Even if little resentments, they are so non-productive all round! Thanks again Ann