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"/> Smurf Tears - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Smurf Tears

Yesterday, I took my granddaughter, Hayleigh, still chronologically 6 years old, to the movies – a celebration 267294_2316938882878_1231668356_2802128_3295542_s for testing for her Yellow Belt in TaeKwonDo. She aced the test. Ceremony on Tuesday.

The Smurf movie – how innocuous is that?!  I was regarding this time as Granddaughter/Grandmother time, wanting to make sure it was something Hayleigh would like to do … the movie being a minor sacrificial act on my part, the point being to hang out with Hayleigh. I was surprised. There were several adult innuendos during the movie that were designed to go over the heads of the younger set, while amusing the elder set. OK, so I enjoyed the movie much more than I thought. After all, it's about good vs. evil – whether it's Smurfdom vs. the evil wizard Gargamel, or Cowboys vs. Aliens, or my proactive mind vs my reactive mind.

Even more surprising were my tears – not sad tears, but tears shed from being moved/touched by the inspirational message – twice! At first I was embarrassed – it was a Smurf movie, for goodness sakes! However, I am often inspired to tears these days, even more so lately. I find myself empathically attuned to others when they are being their absolute best. I suspect their 'best' speaks to the 'best' in me … and in that process, the finest part of me is evoked. When Olympians are performing from their heart, *I* get it. When someone speaks truth from their heart, *I* get it.

When something is technically on the money, I am not inspirited. There is nothing wrong with technical accuracy (I want that in a neurosurgeon). I am very appreciative of effective strategies. I'm talking about something different – when my spirit is galvanized and there's fire in my belly, tears in my eyes.  Our bodies are simply amazing, they know the difference.

In my mind, we have way more effective strategies that often eclipse strategies of the heart. Yesterday, I found it in a Smurf movie. I await the day it's infused throughout our world.


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