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"/> Stepping into the Unknown - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Stepping into the Unknown

Yes, I retired (except for 2 more trainings). And now comes the self doubt – did I jump the gun? Is now really the best time to retire. What if I get bored? What if this is all a mistake? And on and on.

Now is the time for applying a gentle sort of ruthlessness – or in my case, maybe “gentle” isn’t quite strong enough to keep me focused on this new direction. After all, I have no practice at being “retired.”

Right. Remind myself of the reality of being 80 years old, still in fairly good shape, but … 80 years old. Remember what my heart and my gut both want, actually demand, that I re-structure the next part of my life, so that I am aligned with my body’s wisdom.

Oh, and let’s not forget that my head is very used to questioning my body’s wisdom. It really does believe that its job is to protect me from the great unknown. However my experience is that its “protection” feels more like imprisonment.

Stepping into the unknown – exciting? scary? It all depends on my breath, especially my exhale. Fear – sharp inhale, hold my breath. Excitement – exhaling fully (which requires an inhale). Bottom line, I love roller coasters – front car, hands high in the air, screaming – yep, exhilarating! Helluva lot more freedom than being imprisoned on the ground, unwilling to take a chance.

I re-choose my new way forward, based on TRUTH.