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"/> Assisthers - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.



Toplogo Helping lesbians live as normally as possible while coping with life threatening illnesses – that's their purpose statement, and that's actually what they do. Service from the heart is their stand.

Saturday I was the speaker at their monthly meeting, the topic of which was burn out – how do you keep serving those in need without over-doing and becoming one of those being served … related to my last posting.

That seems to be a current theme in my life. Maybe because the first 6 months of this year, I was stone busy. But August – it's a blank month – no trips, no trainings (up till now, but working on it).

Maybe it's a lesson learned in hindsight. Maybe it's a caution for September, which has 4 trips booked.

BTW, one of the members of Assisthers is a heterosexual male, who serves the home-bound lesbians with gentle male energy, losing none of his testosterone in the process. We could all learn from this organization. My personal acknowledgment goes to the Assister's president, Lavita Marks, for maintaining a focused direction And encouraging inclusivity.

We can all serve. It's IN us to serve. What calls your heart?

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