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"/> The Intention Experiment - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Intention Experiment

Lynne-mctaggart-the-intention-experiment I have been reading a book, The Intention Experiment, Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life by Lynne McTaggart. It is chockablock with scientifically published experiments by well-known, well-regarded quantum physicists … fundamentally proving her thesis that our thoughts are Way More powerful than we have been believing. One of the many points in her book is that scientists have found "thinking neurons," previously thought to be found only in the brain, around the heart and in the gut.  Go figure.

Science is finally discovering what sages have been saying for hundreds of years – our heart and our intuition know things our head will never be able to figure out. Most of us figure out what we should be doing and drag our hearts along for the ride. What if we reversed that trend and put our amazing, creative mind in the service of our heart? 

Last weekend I was in Huntsville, Alabama witnessing exactly that in the  More To Life Weekend.  People physically changed – posture straightened, faces got softer/lines smoothed, eyes were brighter.  And best of all, they were more in touch with their heart.

From Steve Jobs:

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

Everything else is secondary."

2 Responses

  1. In 1988 at the 1st WOW, Sue Oldham handed me a “hot potato” saying, as she touched my heart, “You have questions, questions and questions! All your answers are found here.”
    For several months now I have been regularly noting whatever I am grateful for along with visualizing my life as I want it. The softness and feeling of well-being that I have created is most refreshing.
    I’ve found that doing this when I feel “off” will turn me around and set me on purpose again.
    Thank you, thank you and thank you.
    Every morning when I visualize, among others is you, blazing your path and helping others to find theirs. Much love and gratitude, Charles