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"/> A Penny in the Shoe - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


A Penny in the Shoe

Hayleigh the Rock Star Hayleigh (my 6-year-old granddaughter) came to me yesterday, presenting me with a penny and telling me I should put it in my shoe.  She was proudly exclaiming that she had put a penny in her shoe; and that it was bringing her a lot of good luck. “Oh?”, I ask.  “How so?”  (Which is my favorite question to her, because it so often elicits innocent wisdom that I’ve found very beneficial, as well as providing me with endless delight).  Her answer was, “Oh, yes, I’ve not said a single bad word all day!”

Hmmmmm.  Me, “Do you often say bad words?”  She, “No.” But obviously that penny was working.  So my sister Margaret (who was present during this exchange) and I looked at each other, and we decided that maybe we should both put a penny in our shoes. Maybe we’ll have as much good luck as Hayleigh and sanitize our language.

That interchange got me to thinking about other magical thoughts I have had…adult magical thoughts. 
Like: “If I worry enough about this situation, then it won’t happen; and if I don’t worry, it Will Happen.” 
Like: “If I can do enough for people, I can get them to like me.” 
Like: “If I do an affirmation 10 times a day, I will believe it.”
Like: “If I stand on a corner in New York City, snapping my fingers, I can keep the elephants away.”

It has taken me a lifetime to separate my fervently-held beliefs from the Truth; to  dissipate the power of my dreaded catastrophizings and align with my most sacred of hopes; to transmute my nonsensical fears into the release that is part and parcel of unfettered loving.

It has been a splendiferous journey! 
(And today, I’ve not said a single bad word. It’s only 9am, but so far that penny is working.”)

5 Responses

  1. One of my best guy friends from New York, makes fun of how many boots the average New York woman has. It does seem a bit silly when I look at my closet and see an array of boots – high, low, heeled, no heel, black, purple, shiny, nubuck…the list goes on. But then when a chilly, downright frigid New York City winter hits, then I remember why I have my trusty Boot Collection. No woman in her right mind would be seen in heels or open-toed shoes in a blizzard!

  2. Susan Wright

    Hey Ann – the magic DOES work – you read my mind this morning?!?! I’ve been doing the “if I worry enough one”. Not true. Thanks for this charming and insightful post. Love from London