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"/> Auto-Correct - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.



Yes. My iPhone text-auto-correct seems to have a more smutty vocabulary than I do. Yesterday, Jenny Meadows caught one that I had sent – not smutty; and I'm really glad that I seem to have caught the smutty ones before I pressed 'send.' 

I have gotten several emails with hilarious text messages – whether they are jokes or not, I am not sure. But I will say that the word 'penis' seems to be a favorite of my auto-correct. Maybe the creator of auto-correct has a personal issue … or maybe my phone does … or ……

While I was musing about this new time-saving-albeit-potentially-embarrassing-fixture in my life, it occurred to me that it would be nice to have a personal spiritual auto-correct. When I mused more, it dawned on me that indeed I do.

There are times when I feel shame, embarrassment, mortification, chagrin, or just plain ol' discomfort at having done something that I know is unworthy of my goodness. And there are times I have a yucky taste on the back of my tongue when I've said something in spite. These are spiritual auto-corrects from my body.

I have theImages-1 option of changing my behavior, my words, the state of my being … or blasting forwards, pressing the spiritual 'send' button. Then I have the option of cleaning up my mess, clarifying what I really want … or willfully adding to the yuck in my world.

Auto-correct … aren't we lucky!






2 Responses

  1. Sometimes, I think that discomfort or even mortification is just a sign that I’ve gone into uncharted territory. Our society is so self-conscious and insistent on being inoffensive that honesty sometimes seems “yucky” when it isn’t pleasant, especially when it isn’t received gracefully. I agree that there is a distinctly different sensation between words spoken in spite and words spoken in bold honesty, but they can both feel a bit unpleasant at times.