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"/> The Flow - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Flow

Louise Smith, a Senior Trainer, recently returned from a trip to South Africa where she lead 3 More To Life Weekends – Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban. She was riding high, still amazed at herself for the jump-shift in her confidence in herself, in the team/participants of each weekend, and her trust in The Flow.

The Flow. We've all been in The Flow – those experiences of total trust/faith, alive in the moment, all senses turned on, whole-heartedly plugged in, transparent, fully connected to the moment at hand. And we've all experienced the Other Thing – figuring out/being concerned about what happens next, proving how good I am, not doing what I think will keep others from liking me, hedging my input, trying to overcome my inevitable shortfall.

Q: How can I keep being in The Flow?
A: Not possible.

ImagesLife is like a heart beat, diastole/systole, expand/contract, external/internal, summer/winter – alive, real, different from one moment to the next, moving, deepening, engaging, changing from what it was to what it IS Now – relentlessly offering – offering – offering the opportunity to be At One with The Moment – This One Moment Now.

On the one hand, it's a simple matter of choice to be in The Flow. On the other hand, sometimes it just ain't that easy to get there. However, in my humble opinion, there are at least two steps that can deliver us there more often:
* three 'split-attention breaths' is the most efficacious way I know.
* telling the truth is an art form and a sure-fire winner every time.

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