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"/> The Flow in Relationships - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Flow in Relationships

I shared a want I had with someone who mattered to me. It was a want that I was fairly certain wouldn't
Images happen. And I wanted to stay true to myself, to have all my cards on the table, to be all-in The Flow. My friend put all his cards on the table. The cards didn't match – exactly. 

The Flow morphed into mutual respect and deep care for each other. While I didn't get the surface expression of my want, I did get an even more intimate, genuine camaraderie – and to be appreciated for my lack of histrionics (probably not a permanent condition).

What resulted from this encounter was an inexplicable freedom. There was a 'right-ness' about it that I didn't understand at the mental level, but which I physically felt at the heart level. Being totally honest with each other allowed the relationship to find its true place, it's Now place; which I wasn't conscious of at the outset; and which wouldn't have been revealed had all cards not been on the table.

My learning: If I stay true to myself and open to other's truths – that combination illuminates the immediate landscape – but not the landscape that operates above my pay grade. If I stay true to all, I have access to The Flow-Faith-Freedom – without having to know anything more. (Spiritually peaceful, scary for my ego.)


1 Response

  1. Antony Sharman

    That is so spot on. I am a-tingle all over.
    And a tad moist-eyed, not sure why.
    Many thanks for a revealing difference,
    between mind and heart
    between you, me and another.