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"/> The Dark Side - Other Uses - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Dark Side – Other Uses

My dark side actually has its uses. If my family or I were under threat, I would want my black panther (symbol of my dark side) by my side. That’s where I imagine it, not behind me, nor in front, but by my Images
side, ready to be unleashed re-sponse-ably – not in irresponsible, self indulging ways. Just as Jesus cleared out the temple, restoring sanctity; so do I deem it OK to use my anger to right wrongs. The determining factor for me is whether or not the anger is used ‘for’ someone or some ideal or whether it is used ‘against’ someone or some ideal.

My dark side is also able to warn of impending danger, recognizing other dark sides. When I was 21, a friend and I were cruising Galveston Beach in her convertible (top down, of course). It was the notorious Splash Day, official beginning of summer at the beach, a magnet for college kids from all over the State. We were excited – so many people, loud music, beer everywhere, dancing in the sand, 

laughter – let the good times roll! We cruised further into the crowd, driving slowly in the parade of other cars, seeing, being seen, waving – oh yeah, the place to be. All of a sudden, I got scared and told my friend, let’s get out of here … NOW. She didn’t want to leave, I told her she was on her own, as I was leaving. She turned the car around, and we left. The next day we read in the newspaper that 2 girls were pulled out of a car and gang raped. In retrospect, my dark side recognized the collective dark side in the narrowed eyes, the switch from happy energy to predator energy – signs I hadn’t recognized consciously, but my black panther knew instinctively.

My dark side is not my only defense. I always have the Truth as my primary defense. And I have my black panther – it’s part of my power and worthy of my respect.

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