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"/> The Dark Side – The Light Side of the Dark Side - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Dark Side – The Light Side of the Dark Side

There is no Dark Side. There is nothing in and of itself that is ‘dark’ – it is not a presence on its own. It is only an absence of light. There is light, and there is no light, otherwise known as dark. But there is no dark that takes over light. We add that concept in order to keep the illusion of a duality; when in essence, there is only one Real Reality – it transcends the illusion of all dualities.

There is no black panther that walks beside me – not really.
Ain’t that a hoot?


4 Responses

  1. Isabel

    oh yes…
    it reminds me of one of my favorite stories…
    there I was …
    in my first trip to USA …
    in my friend’s house in exquisite COlorado…
    where something must have happened that pissed me off…
    and so …
    in my classic black panther style I decided to leave her house and go for a loooooooooong walk …
    in a snowing, dark night…
    a perfect field for my black panther…
    to soon realise I had no idea where I was…
    and so I run …
    to find a dark figure rigth behind me …
    running at the same speed …
    who is this???
    it has a funny hat with what looks like an antena in the middle ….
    Oh geez…
    there is an allien following me …
    what does it want from me???
    my heart beating so fast I could barely breath …
    and i run …
    faster and faster …
    till suddenly it hit me …
    oh dear …
    I think I recognise that hat…
    Oh …
    look at this …
    I am being pursued by my own shadow …
    how funny …
    and yet how come I stil feel so scared as I still do not know where I am…
    and so it is …
    the reflection of our illusionary and reactive minds …
    scaring us to death …
    when in truth …
    oh yes…
    beloved Rumi…
    ” No matter how fast you run,
    your shadow more than keeps up,
    sometimes it’s in front!
    Only full, overhead sun,
    diminshes your shadow
    But that shadow has been serving you!
    what hurts you, blesses you.
    Darkness is your candle
    your boundaries are your quest
    I can explain this, but it would break
    teh glass cover on your heart,
    and there is no fixing that
    you must have shadow and light source both”

  2. Darinda

    I am enjoying your blog more than you can imagine. (Recommended by Tom P.)
    Thank you so much! You give me much to consider with each post.

  3. Ann, you amaze, inform and educate me as you reach deeper into your self and share these thoughts of acknowleding the dark side. What a blessing to have someone in our lives as you to help us keep coming back to what is true in life – just as it is.
    with respect and appreciation

  4. ok one more post – the lyrics from ECLIPSE ‘The Dark Side of the Moon” by Pink Floyd
    (Waters) 2:04
    All that you touch
    All that you see
    All that you taste
    All you feel.
    All that you love
    All that you hate
    All you distrust
    All you save.
    All that you give
    All that you deal
    All that you buy,
    beg, borrow or steal.
    All you create
    All you destroy
    All that you do
    All that you say.
    All that you eat
    And everyone you meet
    All that you slight
    And everyone you fight.
    All that is now
    All that is gone
    All that’s to come
    and everything under the sun is in tune
    but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
    “There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it’s all dark.”