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"/> The Art of Joyful Living - November 11-13 - Houston, TX - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Art of Joyful Living – November 11-13 – Houston, TX

This course was created by Dr. Brad Brown while he was ironing the shirt in which his son was about to be buried. In the middle of this act of service to his son, a whole different way of living in this unpredictable world of highs and lows came to him.

ImagesBeing who he was, he documented his own journey from unbearable grief to his then-current state of gratitude, feeling physical joy for the gift of his son in his life. This was not a head trip, but a visceral movement of energy through his body. He tested the process on other events in his life – especially events that would normally have snagged his ability to express joy. 

Brad was exceptionally artful in creating courses that allowed others to experience this transition from impotence/outrage to the kind of peace of mind/heart that only comes from being in right relationship to Life As It Is.

This particular course – The Art of Joyful Living focuses specifically on raising the bar in one's ability to be "in joy" – light-hearted, creative, easy joy –  as well as transforming those unwanted, unacceptable times that occur in everyone's life into a genuine surrender of ego and the resultant wonder and appreciation for all that is on offer … for everyone.

For more information, call the Houston Center – 713-838-1100.

PS  It is only open to people who have had The More To Life Weekend.


1 Response

  1. Marna Holley

    Hi Ann. Just posted a link to this on the More To Life Facebook page. Isn’t technology amazing. Would love to bring this course to Minnesota…hmmmm…we’ll see how that goes!