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"/> W. C. Story - 85 years young - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


W. C. Story – 85 years young

IMG_0310W.C. heard me on the radio when I was touting the first More To Life Weekend in Houston (aka Life Training back then), pulled over to a pay phone (1982), called in and registered for the course right then. He was 54.

We have continued to be friends, occasionally having lunch at "our place" – Souper Salad. Having known W.C. for the last almost-30 years, I never cease to be amazed at his relentless investigation into who he was, who he is and who he wants to be.

He is an avid researcher into his motiviations and making sense of the decisions he made, some of which were automatically based in the Kentucky culture in which he grew up, the matrix of beliefs handed down to him by his parents and the rural environment of his early years.

But he never let that stop him from exploring the rest of the world and finding out for himself what was what. He'a a no-nonsense, give-it-to-me-straight, now-what's-possible kind of a guy … with a heart of gold.

In the last few years, he's visited Russia, conquered throat cancer, driven his big red truck to Kentucky for his high school reunion with friends with whom he is still close. He has researched the web for what might interest him, and has decided he wants to go back to school. He's alive and vital. I took this picture of him with my iPhone just last week.

He's a pursuer of the truth with a compassionate heart and an alert mind that is open to bringing forth his best to the world. He loves his children and surrounds himself with caring people.

I want to be like him when I grow up. 




4 Responses

  1. Leslie Pierkowski

    Yeah, good to have an update on W.C! I met him at an event in Houston a few years ago and he was a very sweet, very ‘present’ guy. W.C., I thoroughly enjoyed the conversations I have had with you. Leslie P.