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"/> Confirming Message from the Universe - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Confirming Message from the Universe

A few days ago, my reactive mind had me entranced with mega-judgements about everyone and everything. NOTHING was right in my world – every committee, group, individual was in the cross-hairs of my contempt – mostly for their total and irredeemable dysfunctionality! Basically, a categorical melt-down.

Fortunately, my support partner, Diana Makens, was on the other end of this skype call, patiently and without any judgement on her part, typed it all up and later sent it to me via email. I was pretty cleaned out after vomiting up all that I had been storing. We did a reality check on some of the big judgements that were repeated often and vociferously during my tirade. I felt much calmer and warmer after that. 

My agreement was to complete the verification process (weeding out the lies) on each of my "claims." And then to write some truths about myself, about those "irredeemable others," and the "world of dysfunctionality" in which I had taken up residence. Diana's parting remark to me was, "You're probably going to be a bit embarrassed at some of your mindtalk." And verily I say unto you, she was correct!

The next day, Life decided to hammer the message home. I was in my little Prius, a big SUV in front of me with the back window squarely in front of my windshield. On the window of the SUV was a 6" high, 2' long bumper sticker which said, Imgres

OK! I got it! Again!

PS If the bumper sticker were more accurate, it would say,"We all have moments of dysfunctionality, get over it." And I was certainly having mine that day.


2 Responses

  1. Antony

    PPS. The bumper sticker was dysfunctional and needed correcting.
    Isn’t it “just so”, how Life seems to be there, for each and every one of us?
    Thank you Anne, I laughed so much I had to comment . . .

  2. The next day, Life decided to hammer the message home. I was in my little Prius, a big SUV in front of me with the back window squarely in front of my windshield. On the window of the SUV was a 6″ high, 2′ long bumper sticker which said,