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"/> Say - Do - Feel: a Test for Truth - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Say – Do – Feel: a Test for Truth

I was talking to Adriana Holt this morning, about how she could tell when she was being true to herself and when she was abandoning her true self. So we applied the test of congruency between what she said, what she did, how she felt – especially about her current project – a new job.

I've applied the congruency test for many years now, and it works. I said I wanted to lose weight, I didn't keep to my food plan/exercise regime, I felt rebellious (imagine that). No way was that fantasy going to manifest.

I said I wanted to lose weight, I followed my food plan/exercise regime, I felt resignation. Everything was lackluster. I did what I said. Results were mediocre and disappointing – way more effort for not much difference.

I said I wanted to lose weight, I followed my food plan/exercise regime, I felt determined and invigorated. And guess? Much better results, more enjoyable, more possibilities for improvement and variety.

The tricky one – I said I didn't want to go to this person's home, I didn't go. If I had felt clean about it, I would have been aligned with the truth. As it happens, I really wanted to go, but was mad, so I lied.

When my Say-Do-Feel don't match, I'm usually out of integrity with myself – either consciously or unconsciously. Being out of integrity with myself is another version of abandoning my true self.

1 Response

  1. Julie

    I’ve been noticing “out of integrity with myself” lately too. Finding my truth about my integrity is not always easy and sometimes I don’t like what I see about myself yet when I do find my truth I rejoice that I’ve NOTICED and when I’m not in congruency that it’s just one more time/opportunity to practice shifting my space to being in integrity with myself and others.
    By using the processes I’ve been given from the More To Life training I’ve found it has gotten easier to shift.