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"/> Angelic Reminders - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Angelic Reminders

Many years ago, I was in a Slough of Despond, as described in Pilgrim's Progress. One of those times when nothing was going right, and I was believing that I was a waste of space. I phoned two different friends of mine, neither of whom was home. Then I called Bob LeClair at the Houston More To Life Center and said, "Bob, Quick! Tell me three things you love about me, because I can't think of a thing!"

He must haImagesve heard the plea in my voice, because he began reminding me of things I had done, ways I had been that touched him personally, as well as others. On the other end of the line, my eyes starting dripping – it was like having sanity break through my internally generated miasma. I will be forever grateful to Bob LeClair for being there for me when I wanted a reminder of who I am.

What I learned:  Angelic Reminders go both ways:  it is as much a privilege to have friends to call when you need a reminder of who you are, as it is to be there for someone else who just needs a reminder of who they are.