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"/> Say - Do - Feel: Achieving Integrity - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Say – Do – Feel: Achieving Integrity

If what I say I will do/not do matches with what I actually do/not do, and both of those match what I'm feeling inside my skin, then I am in alignment, and I am in integrity.

If any one of these – Say/Do/Feel – are out of alignment, then there is a lie in my system somewhere (conscious or unconscious), and I am out of integrity – either with myself or with someone else. So my first priority is to notice which part is out of integrity and to search for the truth. Fundamentally, that is how we deal with everyone in the More To Life courses – just noticing what is 'out' and look for the lie that subverted their spiritual warrior energy.

 As a spiritual warrior myself, it is up to me to be self-observant and to spot the inconsistencies, so I can course correct. As a safeguard, I have surrounded myself with other spiritual warriors who I trust. I trust they Imageswill be astute enough, caring enough to let me know I am out of integrity, should I fail to notice. Some things are so buried in my blind side, that I would be arrogant to rely solely on my own perception – which, as those who know me can testify, can be skewed to fit my personal fantasies.

As always, my intention is to be aware of Life As IT IS, of me as I Am, of others as They Are – to tell the truth fully (which means with compassion), and to get myself in alignment – what I say matches what I do matches what I feel. Within that structure, I am totally free, whole, and loving.

That's what the More To Life courses are all about. And that's why they matter to me.