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"/> RAS - What Overrides It - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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RAS – What Overrides It

I can think of two things that override the vision we have embedded in our Reticular Activating System (RAS). The first one we can do nothing about – the mystery of God/Life/Reality/Universal Light. There are some things beyond our ken, that we are too finite to comprehend. That Reality surpasses all others. Fair enough. Faith handles that part … our faith in the Ultimate Good of All-Everything.

The second thing we can do something about. It requires personal introspection – an unswerving investigation into our hidden saboteurs – i.e., unnoticed counter-visualizations driven by fear. The buried visions of Images-1disasterous exposure of some kind, looming failure, lovelessness, a world gone awry in some way – those visions, made more magnetic by fear, will supercede those visions that we don't really believe will come our way anyhow.

In other words, RAS still operates, but it is researching information/opportunities that further the most dominant vision – the one that has the most feelings attached to it. Dread is a very potent feeling, easily surpassing visions we secretly hold as pipe-dreams.

Sometimes the only way I know I have a counter-vision undermining my consciously intended vision is the upset I feel when I don't get it. The upset is my clue that "I-have-to-have-it-my-way," because the alternative is too scary. And the scary bit is what dominates my RAS.

Not manifesting what I want results in a conflict between Life As It IS and my demand – which becomes my starting point for rooting out the counter-vision. The most effective process for detecting those hidden saboteurs is the Clearing Process as taught in the More To Life Weekend – it's the best I've ever found for disbanding my fear-driven illusions.

This may sound harsh, but I believe that our current living situation is generally an accurate reflection of our primary vision – and our RAS is working to make it so.

AND, we do have the power to change – to rid ourselves of our demeaning pictures and to claim the compelling ones that are born in our hearts. As always … no guarantees.