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"/> RAS and The Secret - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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RAS and The Secret

Kathleen Murray sent me an email about the Reticular Activating System (RAS), saying it sounded like the movie, The Secret.

I don't know for sure what the movie makers were thinking, but it makes sense to me that there is a biological, scientific explanation for why visualization works. The point of departure for me, regarding the movie, is the inferred guarantee that if you just visualize properly, you will eventually manifest that which you are visualizing. That implies god-like power, which we absolutely do not have.

What the holy books promise is a life of abundance – none of them guarantee that we will get exactly what we want (especially if it is born in the desire body, unbridled self indulgence). However, if we don't ask, it makes it harder to get what we want. Visualizing is an 'ask' – a request to the universal-abundance that supercedes the limitation of language, powered by feelings – the more intense the feeling, the more magnetic the request. It's a kind of prayer.

Ending one year and beginning a new one has always been a traditional time to redirect our thoughts. Why not experiment with the RAS in 2011 – see what happens!