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"/> RAS and The Grid - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


RAS and The Grid

In graduate school, I became intrigued by systems – from quarks to universes – it seems everything exists within a system of larger/smaller entities, each entity affecting others in and out of the system. James Lovelock proposed the Gaia principle that all physical components of the Earth are closely integrated to form a complex interacting system, such that the Earth can be viewed as a single organism.

However, the same could be said of the organs that interact with each other within the system called our "body," the sun and planets that interact with each other within our solar system, and on it goes from molecules to mega-universes. For instance, I know that if I eat beans, my body, through complex interactions, will process that food in such a way that I can count on it behaving in predictable ways. And aren't explosions of gas common even in galaxies? (Spatial beans, I'm sure!)

My point is – there seems to be a Grand System, the outer/inner reaches of which we are still exploring. Images-1 And yet there also seems to be an evolutionary nature imbued throughout. Other systems theories have postulated that our physical bodies are tuned into that evolutionary nature in a way that our conscious minds are not. My intuitive leap says that the Reticular Activating System (RAS) is the means by which we connect to *it*. I've been calling *it* The Grid – thinking of it as information. However, now I am thinking that it is more than just information, that somehow it is about NOW. Whatever *it* is, I do know when I am tuned into it. I also know that, even when I am consciously doing something else, the RAS is quietly humming along in the background, working it all out, researching The Grid to bring back all I need to move forward in my life.

My job is to intend/visualize that which matters to me, pursue that vision as consciously as possible, know my RAS is researching the Grid and magnetizing possibilities, and then be grateful (or process my mindtalk to get me to gratitude) for this current moment and all it offers me.

In 2011, I intend to explore this phenomenon much more consciously than I have in the past. And I tell you truly, I am grateful to the More To Life Program for the skill-set that makes that transition from fear to gratitude more graceful.



1 Response

  1. 2011 sounds like it is going to be a great year for us. I am going to keep looking for ways to transition from fear to gratitude faster and easier and more graceful as I explore many ways to do this. Although the Secret and the More to Life programs explore this I am finding many more that do as well and some easier and faster too.