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"/> RAS - Signs of a Counter-Vision - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


RAS – Signs of a Counter-Vision

Kathleen Murray asked a question (paraphrased), "How can you discover and prevent the counter-vision from sabotaging your conscious vision … before it's too late?" Good question.

Personally, there are times when I am so clueless about my counter-visions, I unwittingly participate in weakening the possibilities for manifesting my chosen vision. In those cases, I learn the hard way – after the fact. But each time, I become more aware of the signals that a counter-vision is lurking. It's an educating process – fascinating and freeing.

Some of the signs I've noticed so far are: hazy images or a lot of images, none of which are compelling; not much real enthusiasm/feelings when I visualize; too much energy or forceful energy (indicating a demand), i.e., the possibility of it not manifesting is not acceptable.

My counter-visions generally sound like: this isn't really going to work anyway; I can't really have that; I have to have that; it'll be *too much* work/money/power/time/trouble; it (or I) won't be *enough* in some way.Images-1

The problem with counter-visions is that often they are inherited or generated at a young age and  therefore time-tested and proven to be true over and over again – because they keep manifesting, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. There's a certain normalcy about that that gives those counter-visions lots of power – a count-on-able-ness that feeds my desire for predictability, while it starves the dreams in my heart.

Bottom line – ferreting out those old mental maps about who I am and what I *deserve/don't deserve* is worth my time. And any vision will work. The more visions I have, the more opportuities for updating my mental maps. Why not?



4 Responses

  1. I like the part you wrote about forceful energy. That is what you meant by too much energy I think. I can have a lot of positive energy with a vision and intention and there is nothing wrong with that. It is when it moves into a demand that it is too much. Who knows how much is too much? I usually do by the way it feels. If my vision and intentions flow easy and free I know that I am in the zone.

  2. Ann, I’m so enjoying all these posts on RAS. Am sending them to many of the potential copy editors I’m mentoring, so they can “get” why/how they’re not creating themselves as successful freelance (emphasis on “free”!) copy editors.
    And you’re just the best at finding good graphics too!
    I have always wanted to win the lottery (well, as long as it’s been around), but my counter-vision is soooooo powerful (That’s not for you; it isn’t going to happen; you’re being greedy; you wouldn’t know what to do with all that money), that I rarely bother buying a ticket. And when I do, I feel the counter-vision kick in, like a glancing blow to the left side of my chest that pushes me to my right.
    And because I’ve never won more than $20 bucks, I now have additional pieces of MT: You’re not meant to win; this is the wrong thing for you to be spending money on; don’t do this again; winning the lottery is not your life path!
    Y’know what? Until just this moment of writing them down, I’ve believe they were all true! Lordy, no wonder I haven’t won. I’ll do some processing and get myself free for the New Year.

  3. I really got a hold of a big counter Intention this xmas. I never got what I wanted for xmas so I believed that I was naughty. I mean never that I can recall. I would try and try to be nice but it really put a lot of pressure on me and I would eventually blow.
    Although I just uncovered this…..I have been telling myself this for 50 years…In order to get what you want you need and have to be nice…
    Like Jen I have believed that to be true for a long time. This year my intention is to be naughty and nice. Or better yet allow myself to be human and naughty can be nice.
    William Pilch