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"/> Pay It Forward More To Life Weekend - Minneapolis - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Pay It Forward More To Life Weekend – Minneapolis

The definition of a miracle: nothing more and nothing less than a change of perception … like caterpillar Images
(or callapitter, as Hayleigh calls them) emerging from its chrysalis as a butterfly. This weekend was full of miracles – full of changes in perception – for the participants, the team, and Warren and me.

On the one hand, this weekend was not different from all the other MTL weekends. On the other hand, it was – in magnitude. Many more people attended this weekend than is usual here in the State (since the mid-80s). Which is exactly what we wanted.

The idea was to offer the regular More to Life Weekend as an experiment in the generosity of the human spirit; to see if, having been a part of a weekend of miracles, the participants would pay it forward for others to have miracles in their lives … fundamentally to be a part of the spiritual evolution of humankind.

The Pay It Forward concept had 3 expressions –
1. becoming a part of the team which creates these weekends
2. enrolling family, friends, colleagues into participating in future weekends
3. becoming a financial sponsor of the non-profit foundation to ensure fiscal sustainability

It takes all three to operate this worldwide, mostly volunteer organization.

This experiment has yet to be concluded. I personally got huge gifts from this weekend. One of which is to be clear about what I want. When I'm not clear, it's rare for my wish to be granted, cuz I won't know if I got it or not. And yet, when I don't get what I haven't been clear about, I know it … and can then refine
my 'ask.' I wanted all participants to want to express their gratitude in all three ways. Now I know what to ask for next time. Whether or not my 'ask' is granted is not up to me. But it does become part of my awakening … in some way.

Group photo