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"/> Vibrancy and Power - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Vibrancy and Power

One of the participants in this last More To Life Weekend in Minneapolis is a naturally vibrant woman – exuding vitality, intelligence, and innate power. I noticed her struggling with what I sensed to be her interpretation of confinement … a confinement of her energy. She was fidgety most of the sessions.

That vibrancy is very powerful. On the one hand, it is a gift; on the other, it's a curse. It's like riding a horse of Vibrancy – does the rider control the horse, or does the horse run away with the rider?

Will she learn to discipline that vibrancy to serve her heart? Or will she rebel against that illusion of confinement and dissipate her vibrancy in random acts of wildness?

The issue is mine (and yours?).

At this stage of my life, I am still learning to discipline my random acts of instant gratification. Sunday night I had about 3 handfuls of M&Ms, followed by about 10 Hershey kisses. I know better. My body is sensitive to sugar. I know better, and I did it anyway. grrrrrrr

And I recommit once again, determined to focus my will on creating a healthy body to serve my spiritual quests.