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"/> On the Eve of the Houston More To Life Pay It Forward Weekend - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


On the Eve of the Houston More To Life Pay It Forward Weekend

Tonight we had dinner with the leadership of the MTL Pay It Forward Team. While the food was delicious, it paled in comparison to the spiritual feast. Richard Perry (Senior Trainer of the More To Life program) was in usual form – present, connecting, putting pieces together that sparked the heart. Rhonda Schlatter (Training Supervisor for the course), her Assistant Training Supervisors – Michele O'Keefe, Sherry Merritt and Adriana Holt; Joy Partain (Training Communicator); Sylvia Hebert (Trainer Support); Leslie Pierkowski (Team Leadership Support); and me, partnering with Richard on this coming weekend – all of us connecting, unfolding our growth edges for the weekend.

We explored the Pay It Forward context. In truth, we are all paying it forward – all the time -  either by spreading our reactivity or by spreading our connectivity. We are never NOT paying it forward. The question is – What are we paying forward!? And is it by conscious choice?

Images Speaking for myself, and likely for everyone else present this evening, the question of my own relevance was laid to rest yet again. I make a difference – in my own life (by my behavior), I make a difference in your life (by my own behavior), and I make a difference in the world (by my own behavior). YOU make a difference – in your own life, the lives of others, and on this planet – by your own behavior.

Bottom line, my life counts, so does yours. It always has. It always will.

The question is: am I making the difference I WANT to make? Tonight, my answer is a resounding YES!  Other times, my answer is different. And underneath all those other times, even when I deny it vociferously, I really, Really want to make the difference I came to make – the mini-differences and the grand differences. Yes, I matter. So do you.

1 Response

  1. I miss the Houston More to Life Team. Keep the spirit high enough to reach the west coast! I would love to feel the influx of joy and growth this weekend will provide all.
    pay it forward!