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"/> The Graceful Way to Integrate a New Growth Edge - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Graceful Way to Integrate a New Growth Edge

Images To my knowledge, there isn't a graceful way to integrate a new growth edge. By definition, a growth edge is something that I already know I am not graceful in actualizing.

Giving feedback to someone else that is likely to be hard to hear is not something in which I used to be very graceful; and sometimes, I'm still not. What made it worse was the agonizing I would go through before I garnered enough courage to open my mouth. That angst contaminated my delivery, coloring what I said with blurt-y words I didn't mean.

I would concentrate so hard on doing it "right," that I usually screwed it up, royally. And that made it harder to go for it the next time around. And, just like everything else, it takes practice. So few things have I gotten 'right' from the first time – usually either by sheer luck or some natural competence. And sometimes, my willingness to just go for it has landed my butt in the butter (as they say in S.Africa), or it has resulted in the most splendiferous catastrophe (as Zorba the Greek says). But it ain't ever dull.

So if YOU know of a graceful way to integrate a new growth edge, I am all ears!Images

PS  That is one of the reasons I love the context for being on team for any of the More To Life courses -  mastery of self in service to others and the world. Mastery of self requires pushing the envelope of my comfort zone, actualizing my Noble Self … practicing my growth edge in a safe and non-punitive environment – like being in a "Gro-Light" for a weekend.

3 Responses

  1. Julie

    great post! for me trying to receive feedback and not get reactive or jumbled in my mind is always difficult and I know the feedback is helping me grow with my growth edge and yet I still struggle with stilling my mind and just listening and hearing whats said.
    I’m getting better at it but still not where I want to be
    does it look graceful? NO and who am I to say how it should look?
    I’m on my journey and am grateful for the feedback I get from you and others willing to be for me and walk with me on my journey and also feedback from others not willing to be for me yet giving me feedback to course correct. Thanks for being for me Ann