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"/> Manipulative? or Realistic! - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Manipulative? or Realistic!

I want to change the decision made by a group of people. I have made my request through a representative of that group, and they stuck by their original decision.

I could abide by their decision, because I do admire each member of the group. And I agree with 90% of what they are creating. And that other 10% flavors the entire 90% in a way that I think is unwholesome at best, destructive at worst. What do I do? Because, after all, it IS just my opinion. But it's another one of those, "I think I'm right!" situations. It seems that, at this point, my choice is to either 'go along with the decision of a group of people I admire' or 'up the volume.'

First I examined my heart of hearts – what do I *want* to do. That was when I decided to first write a personal letter to each member of the group, giving them the reasons (and of course, they are excellent reasons) why I think it's important for them to reverse their decision on this issue. That seemed in alignment with my heart of hearts – still contributing my voice.

My mind thinks that is not enough … that I need to get other voices (credible voices) involved as well. And this is where I wonder if I am being manipulative. Am I just stubbornly pursing an outcome that matters to me? Or am I justified to do whatever I can to influence an outcome that matters to me? 

In order to discern the truth here, I examined my purpose – is this for some selfish gain? or am I being realistic about the situation, playing my part in the Big Scheme of Things? I let that question settle in my system for a bit, to see what fit.

Bottom line, I believe I'm right on target – but then, I usually think that. So if this is a manipulative maneuver to 'right an imagined wrong,' and it's completely in my blind side (which is a total possibility), then I will evolve from this error more refined than before. Fair enough. This situation matters enough to me to risk being thought of as a pain in the butt and manipulative – and, even worse, off the mark. On the other hand, I have the opportunity to support a course correction that could make a difference in the Big Scheme of Things.


2 Responses

  1. To be sure, I’m not a credible voice in this particular scheme of things but still, as one who sometimes “knows” things that others don’t, I’d say that you’re spot on. Obviously, I have no earthly clue what this decision is about, but I got hit with a very strong “YES” before I finished reading your second paragraph. So, UP THE VOLUME!
    For whatever it’s worth, I just know.

  2. Bettina Casimir Clark

    What a fine line to walk! Take the metaphor of “The Flat Earth”… And just see HOW long it took to verify and respect the truth telling of individuals with intelligence…: 1000 years!!!!
    Belief in a flat Earth is found in mankind’s oldest writings. In early Mesopotamian thought, the world was portrayed as a flat disk floating in the ocean, and this forms the premise for early Greek maps such as those ofAnaximander and Hecataeus of Miletus.
    Aristotle(!) already found evidence around the year 330 BC, a very important time in the evolution of “intelligere” (understanding), and provided observational evidence for the spherical Earth (i.e. noting that travelers going South see southern constellations rise higher above the horizon)! BUT – it took 1000 (one thousand) years until it was finally prooven and recognized the the Earth is round (Thomas von Aquin etc.)
    See more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth
    What I want to say with regard to your share today is that truth telling might feel like manipulation at times, but just because the majority believes something else to be true then what you KNOW, it is IMPORTANT to stick with this truth!!!
    It has two sides: 1) Challenging the old and inspiring new energies – and 2) Looking at a situation from a different perspective… with new eyes…
    Thank you for your Blog! I trust that every body’s view has it’s own value – until evolution asks for growth and change…
    Happy Holidays