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"/> Reminders - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.



It's funny how easy it is for me to think of remedies or reminders of what's true, especially when it's about others. All that information sometimes goes into a zip file when I need it for myself.

Over the last few days, I have talked to different friends of mine, all with varying issues; and, as part of our conversation, I was present and creative regarding their situations, making astute suggestions. It's not until Rebecca was talking to me, suggesting remedies for the flu, that I got it. Everything she suggested, I knew. None of which I had done. It's what I would have suggested to anyone else in the same situation. It's there in the file, but the file was zipped up and unnoticed/not remembered.

I think that's an odd occurrence. And I am doubly grateful for other peoples' eyes on me, reminding me of things I forgot I knew. Thank you, Rebecca.

1 Response

  1. Isabel

    it reminds me of the story of the orphan child looking for a home …
    in the resources we are given …
    as we reach out into the world…
    a necessity …
    to the learnings of the soul …
    in this knowingness…
    “Charity begins at home” …
    the alignement …
    as above …
    so below …
    as within…
    so without …
    and so it is…
    in the cradling of Gods’love….