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"/> Living Well Being Well - The Actuality - Part I - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Living Well Being Well – The Actuality – Part I

Page1-img1 So there we were in Sun Fish Lake, Minnesota – beautiful environment, elegant accommodation, delicious water, gourmet/healthy food, salt water swimming pool/hot tub, saunas – wet and dry, humongous trampoline (by the pool) – and best of all, the Rolls Royce of trainings (More To Life Weekend), 9 expert healers, a committed team, and, of course, the participants – one from England, the rest from the States.

I had several concerns. Most of the participants had already done the More To Life Weekend and were not that excited about re-taking it. Since it was required, they went along. My concern was that their heart wouldn't be in it, since they knew everything about the course. Another concern was the potential difficulty of meshing advanced students with newbies. I was also expecting to get out earlier than usual, given the small
numbers and the amount of advanced work most of them had integrated.

Actually none of my concerns or predictions were on target. The training was the training – everyone plugged in fully. We were in rarefied air. All participants were wide open, tuned in. It was more like an advanced advanced course (yes, I mean both "advanced's).

None of us would have guessed that the only newbie in the course was a first time student. She fit in with the group like a hand in a well-worn glove – full of personal authority, easy integration. All of them attended to the disciplines of the course in a way that increased awakeness and sharpened their insight.

Example – one person said she felt bad, so we explored what 'bad' meant. For no particular reason, she had just lost energy and felt pain in her chest and arm. When we explored when it started, she realized that it began when someone mentioned a man's name, which happened to be her ex-husband's name. Then the rest of her mental pain came rolling out. Once we separated out what was real and what was fiction (which was most of it), her pain had disappeared – both the physical and mental pain.

Two other notable points about this part of the intensive – we laughed – a lot. It was one of the funniest weekends ever – tears and laughter and more tears and more laughter. The other notable point was the time in the hot tub at the end of the evenings – more laughter and camaraderie. Laughter really is good medicine.

More to come – The Actuality, Part II – the 3 days of healing modalities