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"/> Living Well Being Well - The Theory - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Living Well Being Well – The Theory

Coach8 Diana Makens, my friend and support partner, had a dream – combining the More To Life Weekend with a series of healing practitioners. The idea was to present a whole-case scenario in which the participants would address their health issues (and whatever issues affected their health) via their mind first and then address those same issues with physical healers. The premise is that when you unhook your mental/emotional reactivity from the body, the body can heal more easily, more effectively, especially when aided by experts. Ergo – Living Well Being Well – a healing intensive.

My experience regarding health was that I would go to the doctor, get a prescription for something thatPage1-img1 was ailing me, get well for awhile, then repeat. During my More To Life Weekend, it hit me.  My illnesses (and even most of my 'accidents') were pre-dated by an unnoticed dis-ease in my mind. And unless I handle my mind, I will keep curing my symptoms, but not the cause.

Example: my husband and I tried for 4 years to have a child – fertility experts, diagnostic tests, daily temperature checking, drugs, the whole bit. There was nothing wrong with either of us, and yet nothing happened. Then my sister's husband was in an accident and required my sister to be by his side for the next 4 months. My husband and I became surrogate parents for their 18-month-old son, Drew. The month after my sister's situation became stable again, and Drew went back to their home, I got pregnant. During my More to Life Weekend, exploring a lifeshock associated with that time, I finally understood. What poured out during a clearing process was this – as the eldest of 8 children, I had done as much caring for babies/toddlers/elementary and junior high kids as I wanted. I wanted freedom from snotty noses, cranky spells, diapers, wiping up messes, tracking down my make-up, etc. From the point of view of my biological clock (I was 30 years old), I wanted children. From the point of view of my internal "eldest child," I was over it. It wasn't until I fell in love with Drew, which changed my mental perspective of "mother," that I was really open to having a baby. "Sister" is vastly different from "Mother."

Bottom line, my unconscious beliefs overrode my conscious mind. Oh yes, I truly respect the power of the mind. I believe that if I had known and applied the processes and tenets of the More To Life Program, I would have been pregnant sooner, having been able to refute my stinking thinking. I'm not positive about that, but it has been my experience in a plethora of other instances since my weekend.

So that was the hypothesis – handle the mind first, then address the body with different modalities, and healing will be more thorough and more long-lasting.

Next posting – The Actuality.