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"/> Living Well Being Well - The Actuality - Part 2 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Living Well Being Well – The Actuality – Part 2

The combination of the More To Life Weekend followed by one-and-a-half hours with each of the nine different healers, all of which were experts in a different healing modality was extraordinary.

Each day started at 6:30 am with an optional yoga class (Thank you, Chris Gordon). ThatPage1-img2 set the tone  for the day – connection and appreciation of our bodies. Then we appreciated our bodies even more with divine breakfasts – prepared with love by Jeanne Abbott and her crew. Jeanne is well known in Minnesota circles as an excellent healthy, gourmet cook. She managed to accommodate each participant's and practitioner's food allergies and disciplines for the whole week – truly amazing organization and phenomenal good will for all of us. It was worth the whole experience just to have meals that delicious and that nourishing.

At 8:00 am we started the first round of healing sessions. So there were 3 sessions before lunch at 12:30, and at 1:30 we started another round of two sessions. An hour before dinner, Chris Gordon led us through a mix of chanting and meditation, which supported the integration of what we had been doing and opened us up yet again to that Big Space. Thank You, Chris. 

After dinner we had a variety of group activities, presentations, art projects, etc. And of course, the ever popular hot tub waited – warm and bubbly.

Since there were 12 sessions in all, each person had an 'off' period each day. During those 'off sessions,' people talked, compared experiences, kept each other abreast of their new insights. Anne Bauer was looking like a newborn, so I asked her if she had just had Chris Gordon's Thai Massage. She asked, "How did you know?" I said, "I recognize The Look." Sherry Merritt was bubbling about her Emotional Freedom Technique session with Wendy Ogden. Peter Kiss was still being amazed by his Neuro-linguistic Programing session with Diana Makens. Tracey Taul was blown away by her chiropractic session with Dr. Andy Lonnquist. Everyone was comparing notes about their custom designed workouts. Cathy Arcand took the time to find out what physical difficulties each person was dealing with, as well as how each person likes to exercise, and their current fitness level. Everyone felt renewed excitement about exercising, more confident in their ability to continue it. Well, the stories are many, and hopefully, you can get the gist of what happened those next 3 days. Other modalities not mentioned so far: Julia McLean with her electro-dermal screening (EDS-analyzes the bio-energy and bio-information produced by internal organs and systems – she found 2 parasites from my last trip to Africa that had successfully evaded immigration scrutiny); Theresa May – an expert in shiatsu bodywork (not massage, but definitely 'fixes' the body); Pat Werner – Healing Touch (hard to describe sensations of the body letting go of out-dated accommodation to old beliefs – and it works); and me – BioDialogue (communicating with the body).

That was the follow-up to the weekend. More to come – The Learnings