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"/> Lifeshocks - Out of the Blue - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Lifeshocks – Out of the Blue

Finally! Three years after I made an agreement with the U.S. Board of Directors of the More To Life (MTL) Banner_imageprogram to write a book that would support MTL students, as well as people who've never heard of MTL, it is done. I am excited, relieved, nervous and proud. 

The excitement is about the possibility of spreading a human technology that literally can be life saving – it was for me. The relief is that this has been a project on my plate for a long time, and it's finally come to fruition. The nervousness comes from the "unknowable." Will this book be a worthy expression of a major tenet of a program that has been central to my life for over 30 years? Will those who read it be served in the way that is intended?  What if it's a big fat failure, and people feel sorry for me and for the MTL Program?

Mostly I am proud of committing to do something that I had never done before. I know how to do what I do, I'm good at it. AND I branched out into unfamiliar territory. That was an awesome adventure.

So here's the deal. You can now order the book, Lifeshocks – Out of the Blue, from this link at Amazon.com … as many as you like. Hopefully it will be a way of deepening what students learned during their More To Life Weekend, of spreading the work to those who will want to attend an MTL Weekend, and of assisting others who will never attend any course.

PS  Please write a review after reading the book!

5 Responses

  1. Maggi Gilson

    So delighted to hear about this, Anne! No better person to write this. Can’t wait to read my copy. Congratulations! x

  2. Jere Ownby

    WOW! I had no idea this was in the works. This is wonderful. Mr. Amazon says mine is on the way. I can’t wait. Congratulations and THANK YOU, Anne, for all your work.