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"/> Internal Investigation – Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Internal Investigation

I was chatting with my friend, Erin Hottenstein about 2015 goals, and she reminded me that she used to be an investigative reporter. A job she loved. So I dubbed her Erin Brockovich Hottenstein!

Imgres-1It occurred to me that being an investigative reporter for myself, especially this time of year, would be a great idea. I could investigate whether or not I am tuned into my own life, to check if all the things in which I am currently involved are still a passion for me, or have they outlived the juice I used to have for them. I know from experience, that if I do what I’ve always done, it can be an easy slide into mediocrity – becoming jaded, burned out, resentful. All because I hadn’t noticed that I was done, over it, complete … and scared to change. (Sometimes all it took was an adjustment to make the situation fit my current reality.)

I ran my investigation like this. I’ve been leading More To Life courses for over 30 years. Does it still feel compelling, exciting, fulfilling? Or am I doing this because “it’s what I do?” Am I making a difference, setting a healthy pace, enjoying the people with whom I work, making the money I want to make?

Then I did the same for all other aspects of my life – coaching, psychotherapy, consulting, as well as for my relationships. What’s the realistic, healthy balance for my current reality? What wants to be let go, tweaked, recommitted to?

PS Yes, I’m still IN. A few minor changes and some new additions to my gal pals.


2 Responses

  1. Jeanenne

    And sometimes LIFE just takes such unexpected turns that it matters little what your passions are….you WILL have a new focus!