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"/> Learning New Things - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Learning New Things

Images I've had this food dehydrator sitting on top of my refrigerator for over 2 years – it just sat there, taking up space. I didn't know how to use it. I waited for someone to figure it out with me. No one showed up.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to a day of Sufi meditation/yoga/breathing/resting. It was completely refreshing, and I got to hang out with friends. At the meal break, a guy shared his tomato-rosemary crackers – "cooked" in a dehydrator. They were delicious. And it was live food, with all the enzymes and good stuff intact. I asked for the recipe. He sent it via email.

This last weekend, I experimented. The never-before-used dehydrator got cleaned up, ingredients were bought, and the crackers were made. The recipe was clear, the dehydrator was totally self explanatory.  Last night I had a snack of mashed up avocado/onion/garlic/olive oil/sea salt/cayenne on top of tomato-rosemary crackers – yu-ummmmmm.

So why did it take me this long to do something that mattered to me? I've wanted to get more into eating whole foods, raw foods. And I have been making inroads into that for a long time. And this "thing" I have about "machines" and "electronic doodads" and how they don't work right for me – it's in my way.

A combination of circumstances moved this particular stuckness … Charles Price's blog The Taste of Oregon, just completing Kevin Gianni's Raw Food Challenge, Frank Burt's recipe for tomato-rosemary crackers, guilt about an unused, top of the line dehydrator, and a weekend with lots of space in it.

Sometimes, It's just about timing.

1 Response

  1. I love that you’re creating wonderful things for yourself in the kitchen. I can imagine that fully dried foods would have a shelf life beyond fresh or at least a few days. Congratulations, I know what a hurdle that was for you. Bon appetit and thank you so much for mentioning The Taste of Oregon.