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"/> To the College Students of the Huntsville More To Life Weekend - April 16-18, 2010 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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To the College Students of the Huntsville More To Life Weekend – April 16-18, 2010

Images A few weeks ago I was leading a More To Life Life Pay It Forward Weekend in Huntsville, AL. There were 10 college students in that particular weekend, 9 of whom had completed a Power of Self Esteem Course at their college.

My mindtalk (chatter in my head) was less than hopeful, in fact, it was downright pessimistic – "they won't get the power of the course, they're too young, not enough life experience, they haven't lost enough to get that they are the only one standing there every time their life went south, there's no way they will understand pay it forward, nor will they be able to contribute financially" … and lots more. It was a disproportionate amount of young people than normal. I was concerned about the overall focus of the training itself, that there would be a loss of connection to the Bigger Picture – the real *More* that is on offer.

I apologize to you all. I had not taken into account the work you did previously in the Self Esteem Course, nor had I counted on your close connections with each other, nor the clarity of your spirits, nor the generosity of your pocketbooks.

Life seems downright committed to making sure I get my comeuppance … on a regular basis. Truthfully, you 10 young adults carried the course. You were open, genuine, curious, introspective, connecting the dots, and funny – more committed to 'getting it' than you were to 'looking good.' We were inspired by you over and over again.

In fact, on Sunday evening, last session, one of you stood up and said something to the effect that, "Hey, this is not just about improving our lives, it's about being responsible for our impact on our future."

Oh, yeah! You got it! Thank you all for the vibrancy you brought to our weekend. In the afterglow of the course, I felt grateful that our future is in such competent, loving and wise hands.

(And it was a bit tempting to put all of you on my resentment list for having these kinds of transformational skills at your fingertips at such an early age! 🙂

PS The pic is a random shot, not the students that took this course.