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"/> Laid Off? or Set Free! - My Learnings - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Laid Off? or Set Free! – My Learnings

Saturday morning, I got up, I dressed, I got in the car, I drove to the hotel – my mouth still bled in the cracks on and around my lips, my nose was stuffy and runny – I felt sick. And I was tired of looking like a clown whose mouth-makeup hadn't been scrubbed properly. I thought I would take the materials I had agreed to bring and talk to William and Adriana (Holt) about going back home.

We talked it over, they were both sympathetic to my state of health, encouraging me to take care of myself – whatever I thought best. I decided to stay, see how it all started; then, if I got worse (totally trusting William to carry the main ball, and Adriana to weave it all together), I would leave.

Yep, you guessed it. The longer the day progressed, the better I felt. By the end of the day, I still looked Shapeimage_5
like a 3-year-old who went crazy with her mother's lipstick, but my cold was gone, and I was hardly itching at all. Go figure!

Laid Off or Set Free! was a definite success. The Evaluation Forms at the end of the day were what we were hoping we would hear from the participants. Of course, it helps if you have quality people to work with during the course – and we did. They  looked at their career situation (as well as other situations – after all, everything is so interrelated) from different angles, freeing themselves from normal, habitual mindsets.

Like them, I had another wake up about the power of the mind to seduce me into playing a lesser game – going home, because I didn't feel well. And from experience, I bet it will now try to seduce me from the other end of the spectrum – playing the Superwoman game. That's how I got my current virus. It's a tricky little sucker. And it requires me to be tuned in – spiritually awake – so it's doing it's work, and I'm doing mine.

2 Responses

  1. Claire Carruthers

    I read this story of Elaine a week ago – smiling as I remembered her from a course we did together and thinking ‘yeah yeah’ about her pattern of behaviour. Then my first 18 mth twin started vomiting, diarrhea etc; then the second one started ditto and then I started ditto ditto and . . lying in my bed, so exhausted and sick I couldn’t read I realised that I am doing exactly the same as you Elaine (maybe not with so many quadrupeds amphibians etc, only two cats!)
    With love
    Claire Carruthers