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"/> The Spiritual Warrior - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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The Spiritual Warrior

Dan Millman wrote a book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, which I read in the very early '80s. That book made a big impact on me, and I declared from then on to be a Warrior – a peaceful one. My proclamation was easy, the actual practice was demoralizing. I had lots of 'exceptions' to being a peaceful warrior. Fundamentally, when someone or something made my life hard in some way, I couldn't seem to keep from getting pissed off or resentful. I was beginning to doubt my ability ever to achieve warriorhood, when I did the More To Life Weekend in California in May 1982.

From that program, I got tools to handle the many 'exceptions' with which I had been plagued. Not that I wasn't continually plagued by those same 'exceptions,' but I kept maturing an art form that honed my ability to respond to 'exceptions' in a more masterful way. Brad Brown, co-founder of this program, often referred to the ultimate battle – the spiritual warrior engaging the reactive mind (that part of my mind that kept finding 'exceptions' to being peaceful/spiritual).Images

A few years later, Brad designed a week-long, residential training – Way of a (Spiritual) Warrior, aka WOW. 
This was the week I didn't know I was waiting for. Even though I was one of the trainers for this brand new course, I came away from the week with a stronger, more resilient backbone that was utterly committed to serving the sacred – the sacred embedded in my heart of hearts. I realized in a more profound way, that my behavior is never dictated by anyone else or anything else – ever! Regardless. Without exception. No matter what.

On the one hand, I felt steady and solid in my warriorhood – ready for whatever life sent my way. On the other, it seemed like an awesome responsibility to serve the sacred; until I realized that that is Exactly what I came to do. Then it seemed more like pre-game preparation. I was ready – and I would continue to sharpen my spear, refine my skill, garner my wisdom.

Meeting Life/God/Reality on ITs terms, not requiring Life/God/Reality to shape itself around my demands … Life AS IT IS.

PS  As a spiritual warrior, I can certainly request what I want; it's the 'demand' bit that reduces me to behaving like a spoiled brat.