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"/> The Power of Purpose in our Lives - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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The Power of Purpose in our Lives

ImagesTonight in our Power of Purpose Course, we talked about the fear of failure – of looking stupid, incompetent, less than others. The more fear we have, the less likely we are to obtain those important goals, the ones of which we dream. Instead we settle for our ego's demand to look as if we are smart, perfect, in control, as good as (if not better than) everyone else. In order to achieve that perfection, we can't afford to lose. Hence our purpose becomes not to lose, which obviates risk. It's inhibiting, cautious, and addictive – hoping for predictable maintenance of our ego's status.

Or … alternatively, we can search within for our Higher Purpose, serving the dreams of our heart, which is willing to gamble, willing to take that leap of faith, just for the sheer joy of it. Through that lense of Higher Purpose, failing is viewed as one step closer to making it work – ruling out everything that doesn't work, juicy with new ideas to try next. It's creative, energizing and empowering – intentional about pursuing that which has deep meaning in our lives.

Either way, purpose guides our choices and our behaviors – not to mention our results. Fear-driven purpose protects our ego; Higher Purpose serves our heart. Tonight we exposed those hidden purposes that sabotage our wants and created purposes more worthy of the best within us.

I love this course! (And we are offering it in the 2 day format in San Diego, April 26/May 3 and in Los Angeles April 27/May 4. If you know of anyone in those areas who might be interested, let me know.)