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"/> Fire in the Belly 3 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Fire in the Belly 3

During my 40s and 50s, I had Fire in my Belly to a much greater extent than ever before. I was conscious of it, counted on it, got used to it. My life mattered to me – Rebecca, my family and friends, being a Senior Trainer for the More To Life program, creating a consultancy with William Holt (TriVergent International), creating communities (Houston, Johannesburg, Denver), implementing an MTL coaching initiative in 4 countries, contributing to making our world inheritable for our children and our children's children, even filling up my passport – all of it mattered, and I considered it ALL a game worth playing. I Images-1 was free – free to pursue 'my thing' – free to respond proactively to the Fire in my Belly.

Now in my late 60s, during those times when I'm not training, consulting, psychotherapy-ing, I sit in my home office, coaching people all over the world, sometimes never getting out of my pajamas (via skype, they only see my head and shirt). When I think of the current fire in my belly, it's less about specific goals to accomplish, and more about the quality of my being.

Am I BEING my best self?

Am I tuned in to those around me – connecting with the Real Person behind the mask?

Am I awake to all that is on offer in each moment and willing to bring my full presence into it?

I am working to combine the fire in my belly about those pursuits with the fire in my belly about being open to whatever happens – not being attached to any specific outcome. That ain't easy for someone inured to "making it happen." When I do manage to combine the two, my Faith Index goes up – more faith in myself, more faith in the ultimate good of humanity, and more faith that, really, All is Well in the world (even when it doesn't look like it, or maybe even, ESPECIALLY when it doesn't look like it.)