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"/> Fire in the Belly 2 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Fire in the Belly 2

UnknownI know exactly those times when I have had Fire in the Belly … one of them being my determination to get my Master's degree. There was No Doubt that I was going to get that degree. As usual, there were obstacles: money, being a single mom of a 5-year-old, going to school double-time, working 2 part-time jobs. No obstacle was insurmountable.

When I have fire in my belly about something, I tend to go "laser" – not exactly a balanced life. I figured I could sustain that kind of intensity for a year. In retrospect, I wavered in and out of having fire in my belly and being fear-driven to make it happen. Failure was not an option, period.

During that year, I checked in with my advisor at least every other month, just to make sure there were no hidden blocks to getting that degree. (They may have graduated me just to keep "the pest" from bugging them.) I did nothing but work, study, take care of Rebecca's schedule. 

The degree was only a symbol for me – a symbol of freedom – freedom from working for someone else, freedom to have more of a quality life for me and Rebecca. I wanted more than just to eke out a living. I wasn't even sure what the "more" was, but the sheepskin was my ticket to it. I framed that intention as "taking responsibility" for the quality of our future.

At this point in my life, I know that that is possible without a degree. Too many people have had that fire in their belly and accomplished, without a degree, precisely what I accomplished with one. 

More to come.