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"/> Faith/Fear Index - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Faith/Fear Index

The Faith/Fear Index is conversely related – the higher the Faith Index, the lower the Fear Index, and vice Images versa. Yes, this is common knowledge, but I forget this from time to time. So this is a gentle reminder to myself (and perhaps to you) about the Faith Index.

In all my personal processing, when I look back over the trends, the main theme that jumps out is the opportunity to raise my Faith Index. But when I'm "in it" – it's not so clear. Only after I climb out of my self-created hole-of-fear, do I recognize that it was a test of my Faith – ultimately – always – in every case, so far.

Warrior2It seems to me that I am being asked, regardless of the situation, to trust my heart of hearts, the fire in my belly, and/or my intuition:

To BE my Best Self (nothing to hide, nothing to prove),

To bring my Best Self into every relationship with every other Being (open to Their Being, clear about my own boundaries), and

To bring my Best Self into the sanctity of each moment, each opportunity to participate in the Big Picture (whatever that is – a family reunion, my workplace, my blog, my spirituality).

The litmus test of Faith is telling the truth as I see it in that moment, even if my knees are knocking, Knowing that I Don't Know, and trusting that somehow, some way, attaining the Truth will lead us all to the next step in our common evolution. That's the definition of the quintessential Spiritual Warrior – a truth-teller with a high Faith Index. I want to emulate that.