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"/> Faith Crisis - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Faith Crisis

Maybe I see faith crises so much, because maybe I'm in one so much. But it seems to me that any time I doubt myself, worry about an outcome, or withhold information in order to keep 'bad' things from happening (or any untrusting behavior), I am in a faith crisis.

David Berman Howarth, one of the More To Life coaches in London, and I were talking today about his current growth edge of trusting himself to respond to the vagaries of life – whatever they are, however they come to him. (I have his permission to share this.) And it's not that he doesn't trust himself at all, it's that he is on the edge of trusting himself at a much deeper level than before. These kinds of edges seem to cycle through people's lives, part of the process of personal evolution, in line with planetary evolution.

Remembering my own experiences of faith crises, it appears to me that once I identify my current growth edge, and I start being intentional about becoming 'more' of my essence, then that edge gets challenged in a myriad of ways – ultimately moving me forward – even if I stumble. And wouldn't you know, it happened toward the end of our conversation. We were on skype, and suddenly, the line went dead. I waited. My computer said his computer was off-line. Ok. Several minutes later, he skyped me back, laughing. He told me that normally, if he were reactive, he would have been overtly upset at skype, covertly blaming himself. This time, it passed through his mind, as he checked all the wires, but he didn't buy into the reactive stuff. He just investigated the lay of the land, discovered the issue, and called me back. Easy peasy.

Will he have more chances to shore up his mastery? Bet on it. And he's a spiritual warrior of the first order. It's only a matter of time before a new growth edge will be on his platel

What faith crisis is on your plate now?