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"/> The Reward of Having the Flu - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Reward of Having the Flu

I get to rest. I knew I was needing some down time. But there is so much to get done, I kept promising myself to take a day and chill … and I kept promising, and not following through.  So my body forced me to take some time. So instead of chill-time, I am alternating fever/chills and aches – eye sockets, joints, back.

This is a lesson that seems to elude my commitment … up till now.

2 Responses

  1. Rainmaker

    Aha! Isn’t this just fun? To know that I’m not alone in my “faith crisis”. Somedays I’m “wholly” trusting, some days I’m doubtful and in fear…
    Here is my faith crisis…I’m working with it.
    I have lived and worked in the Middle East for 3,5 years now. I feel its time for a move back to South Africa. My career needs the move. There is also social and personal business that can only be possible outside of Qatar.
    I have applied for many many jobs all over Southern Africa…and waiting.
    Rejection letters and acknowledgement of receipt of my resume…all those are possibly preparations for exactly what I need and what my life needs- as I say, I “get” it most days.
    I’m learning to trust, I’m learning to read the responses from agencies as “blessings”. I’m checking out my growth edge. I’m learning to honour my process with patience and grace.
    I will hold your hand, David’s hand and allow myself to be in the company of warriors…it feels so easy!

  2. Isabel

    interisting process…
    a hit I got from someone who came to my home for a shiatsu session…
    everytime you feel driven … he said
    slow down…
    slow down in your doing… in your thinking… in your eating… in your speaking … in your walking …
    or your body will pick up the price…
    it works for me…
    from reactivitivy and driveness to beingness …
    in alignement with body, mind and spirit …
    as after all …
    “not all is what it seems…”
    where gentleness and nurturing for the self and “life as is” has become a focus point to the support that I need …
    to become all that I am…
    take care of you dear Ann…
    always in my heart …