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"/> The Ball - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Ball

DSCN0100DSCN0063Saturday night was a happening time … awesome rock n' roll band (The Convertibles), good food, good venue (The Houston Club) – Fun-loving people enjoying themselves, each other, and the atmosphere of the evening! That's Gina Garcia's back in the foreground.

On the right – Steve (b-i-l), Patricia (sister), me, Tom (brother), Lori (s-i-l) – all of whom have taken the More To Life Weekend. What a pleasure to share my More To Life experience with people I love.

DSCN0090From bottom to top, Valerie Burson, the Chair of the Steering Committe for the Houston More To Life Program, me (SC support), Robin Henry (communications), Leslie Pierkowski (enrollment, former chair, former everything), Sylvia Hebert-Goldreyer (leadership), Kathy Simmons (KF Sponsorship), William Holt (SC support). Yeah, we clean up good!

DSCN0070My escort and long time friend, Bill Boothe, currently living in Phoenix. Wah!

Below left are Jerry and Adele Swartz, and guess which twin is sitting next to his mom! (Right, Richard!DSCN0077 MichDSCN0075ael was home ill.)

On the right, Diana Gruber and Shammi Venkatachalam.



And here is my business partner, William Holt and our website designer extraordinaire, Adriana Holt. (Watch that woman dance!)
DSCN0088 Many of you may remember John Coats, one of the original Senior Trainers for the More To Life organization, and whose book is due to be published next year,
and his wife and my good friend,                                                                         DSCN0081

Pam Coats.                        

On the right are Holly and Byron Davis flanking DSCN0078
Audrey Bronswijk.(Does Holly ever take a bad pic?)

On the left are Tracey Taul's adult children, Matt and Layne Naftis and Matt's girlfriend, Dana Kummins. Matt graduates from college in 2 weeks time. YEA, MATT.


And here we have an awesome foursome – Beth and Charles True and Sean and Lisa Herring.


DSCN0079 Kathy Simmons and Debra Mullinnix, Galveston home almost back to normal.  Randy and Joy Partain (she will soon be joining the Houston Steering Committee).

Special thanks to Cathy Reinhold, Event Supervisor and her team, and to Mindy Guthrie for strategizing the Silent Auction – collecting and organizing, and to Joy Partain who made it all flow. It was a very rich evening – fun and warm.

PS You can click on any picture and it will pop up bigger.                                      

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