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"/> Discernment - Awakening #3 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Discernment – Awakening #3

ImgresScene: looking at my calendar to find a time to have lunch with a friend. No time till April. What? Seriously? Yep, as I flipped through the weeks, looking for a noon-ish space, the lifeshock was seeing the first open lunch time – April 2.

The Discernment: I've relapsed back into pretending I'm needed – by everyone, for everything – my "God, Jr. Drama." It's so seductive. If I have space, and someone needs me, I can find a place in my calendar and poke something in there, squeeze one more person/thing/event into it – be omnipresent, omnipotent, and eventually, omni-burned-out – which erodes my immune system and sets me up to catch a cold/flu/something. That requires cancelling everything and resting. Then I feel better … and start filling in my calendar.

OK, enough! 

New intention: Mark out one day a week with no schedule. Mark out at least one weekend a month with nothing scheduled, and I mean Nothing! (I work a lot of weekends.) Add a To Do in my schedule for May 15, see if I need to adjust anything to fit the real Reality of my life. 

2 Responses

  1. Jenny

    That’s what Tuesdays are for me — my sailing day! Problem: I come home and usually go right to work to “catch up on all that’s crammed into my inbox.”
    OK, enough! I’m going to let Tuesdays be holy and wholly for me. No computer.
    And I like the idea of one weekend a month just for me and Ian. We’ll have to coordinate our calendars, but it’ll be worth it!
    I also like the check-in-with-self date, to see how I’m going. Wanna partner on this?